Professional editors and movie makers who work independently
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Professional editors and movie makers who work independently
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
For QUALIFIED EDUCATIONAL CUSTOMERS ONLY (Students and Institutions) who are looking to buy a 1-year Media Composer | Ultimate license
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For new customers who are looking to buy a 1-year Media Composer | Ultimate license
Professional editors, movie makers, and journalists who work in a collaborative environment
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
Professional editors, movie makers, and journalists who work in a collaborative environment
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
For new customers who are looking to buy a 2-year Media Composer | Ultimate license
Professional editors, movie makers, and journalists who work in a collaborative environment
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
For new customers who are looking to buy a 3-year Media Composer | Ultimate license
Professional editors, movie makers, and journalists who work in a collaborative environment
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
Professional editors, movie makers, and journalists who work in a collaborative environment
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
Professional editors, movie makers, and journalists who work in a collaborative environment
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
Professional editors and movie makers who work independently -Media Composer Perpetual 1-Year Software Updates + Support Plan RENEWAL
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AI-powered PhraseFind AI! Stop wasting time and money generating transcripts of your projects just to organize and locate media more easily. —you can quickly find all relevant clips by simply typing a word or phrase. PhraseFind AI automatically analyzes all clips in your project and indexes all audible dialog, so you can spend less time searching for the right media and more time focusing on what matters most—your story.
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
AI-powered PhraseFind AI! Stop wasting time and money generating transcripts of your projects just to organize and locate media more easily. —you can quickly find all relevant clips by simply typing a word or phrase. PhraseFind AI automatically analyzes all clips in your project and indexes all audible dialog, so you can spend less time searching for the right media and more time focusing on what matters most—your story.
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
ScriptSync AI—a powerful dialog search and sync option for Media Composer subscriptions and included with Media Composer | Ultimate and Media Composer | Enterprise—you can eliminate time-consuming manual media searches and quickly find the best take or perfect clip fast.
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
ScriptSync AI—a powerful dialog search and sync option for Media Composer subscriptions and included with Media Composer | Ultimate and Media Composer | Enterprise—you can eliminate time-consuming manual media searches and quickly find the best take or perfect clip fast.
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
Professionally correct color and master projects faster with the Media Composer | Symphony Option.
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.
Professionally correct color and master projects faster with the Media Composer | Symphony Option.
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Delivered by e-mail. Our unique partnership with Avid delivers your license code within minutes.